After much deliberation and prayer, the Elders have decided to reopen our building for Sunday morning services on August 30, 2020. Initially, we will only have worship service – no adult Bible study or children’s classes. Worship service will consist of prayers, communion service, and a sermon by Tony. Service times will be limited to 45 minutes. We will not have a singing service but will consider adding this element to our worship service at a later date. Online live streaming of our Sunday morning service will continue as it has been so that those who wish to join virtually can do so.
Guidelines for the conduct of services to ensure the safety of those in attendance include:
· Pre-screening for virus symptoms and registration by anyone planning on worshiping at the building should be completed prior to arrival at the building. The form can be found HERE. All in attendance will sign in upon arrival to ensure we have essential contact information if needed.
· Masks are required for everyone and will be worn at all times except during the communion service. It is strongly recommended that parents provide masks for their children between the ages of two (2) to nine (9) years. Please ensure that you bring your masks with you. Disposable masks will be available in the foyer should you forget to bring one with you.
· Temperature checks will be performed prior to entry into the building
· Disposable communion cups with unleavened wafers will be available in the foyer and trash receptacles will be located at exit locations
· Ushers will seat families and individual attendees to ensure we meet the 6 feet social distancing mandate
· Social distancing guidelines will be maintained which means physical contact (e.g., hugging and handshakes) will only be allowed among personal family members
· Trays for those making monetary contributions to the work of the Lord’s church will be located at exit locations. Contributions can also be sent to our Post Office box as we have been doing.
·· Restrooms will be open, but due to social distancing best practices will only accommodate one person at a time
· Online streaming of our Sunday morning service will air at 10:00 AM. Any families or individuals who elect to attend services at the building should plan on arriving at the building at 9:45 AM.
· There will be no Sunday evening services. We will continue to conduct the Wednesday evening service and Bible study online as we have been doing.